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As remote work takes root, do tech workers face pay cuts? image

As remote work takes root, do tech workers face pay cuts?

October 05, 2020

Now that remote work has become commonplace, what will the impact be on pay? Tauseef Rahman, a Partner at Mercer, expects the impact to be less than you might expect.

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The confirmation you're looking for! image

The confirmation you're looking for!

September 08, 2020

Earlier this year, as the pandemic was unfolding, Mercer and other vendors were asking you to participate in salary surveys. We heard concerns that first quarter data was not going to be useful when planning for 2021. We sprang into action and launched a refresh in June. Read on to find out why you can confidently use Mercer’s 2020 survey data when planning for 2021.

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Critical tools for managing global benefits today image

Critical tools for managing global benefits today

August 17, 2020

If you’re trying to manage employee benefits, compensation, and health and safety for more than one country, with all the recent governmental programs, your head is probably spinning. Don’t you wish there were an easy way to keep track of the many countries under your purview? Read on to learn more about a new tool that would ensure that you have the best information at your fingertips.

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Have you determined your 2021 budget? image

Have you determined your 2021 budget?

July 28, 2020

Have you put together your 2021 annual increase budget yet? If you haven’t, you’re not alone. With all the uncertainty in the air, it seems compensation planners are waiting longer than usual to work on their budget. Take a look at what else we heard from respondents to the Compensation Planning Survey Pulse July edition.

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Healthcare industry in the time of COVID-19 image

Healthcare industry in the time of COVID-19

July 06, 2020

While working in the healthcare industry as an HR professional has always been a challenging role, the complexity and urgency of the role magnified exponentially in March of this year (2020). HR professionals and Leadership teams in healthcare are being stretched to the limits by having to very quickly develop new protocols and staffing modules, while ensuring an ever-growing patient population is cared for. Read on to find out the variety of ways healthcare organizations have responded to COVID-19.

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Most employers are staying the course image

Most employers are staying the course

May 27, 2020

Though the headlines would have you believe that employers are all reducing their workforce and cutting pay, according to Mercer’s May edition of the 2020 US Compensation Planning Pulse Survey, that doesn’t exactly seem to be the case.

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Investing in your employees: a shift in mindset beyond compensation for retailers image

Investing in your employees: a shift in mindset beyond compensation for retailers

May 01, 2020

Many cities and states are establishing a $15 per hour minimum wage. How are retailers responding? They’re not all rushing to proactively comply. Instead they are considering how they reward and motivate employees beyond pay.

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Why survey data (still) matters image

Why survey data (still) matters

April 10, 2020

Times of uncertainty naturally make us feel overwhelmed and anxious. It's tempting to spend time on other essential activities and choose not to participate in compensation and benefits surveys and maybe to even consider compensation surveys as a variable cost that you can reduce this year. Not now; you’re going to need this data.

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