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Hot jobs in 2021 image

Hot jobs in 2021

February 08, 2021

As we move into 2021, undoubtedly technology jobs will continue to be important as business continue to reinvent and re-set. However, there are also other jobs that have risen to importance – and some might surprise you.

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Thinking of aging salary survey data this year? You’d better think twice… image

Thinking of aging salary survey data this year? You’d better think twice…

January 27, 2021

With many employers going through reductions in force in Q4 and, even more importantly, establishing budgets and compensation strategies for 2021 and beyond, this year’s salary surveys will have quite a story to tell. Using aging data, rather than participating in salary surveys and purchasing fresh data, would definitely be a mistake for a variety of reasons. Why, you might ask? Let us explain.

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Must have tools for tech image

Must have tools for tech

October 27, 2020

Organizations that are still succeeding and planning for the future have one thing in common – they’re advancing their digital journey. Who are they looking to for help? The tech companies. The pressure on the tech industry to deliver innovative solutions is greater than ever before. And maximizing operational efficiency is critical for these companies moving at the speed of light. Learn about two invaluable tools that can help tech companies thrive today and plan for tomorrow.

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US MBD/TRS Data Refresh Summary image

US MBD/TRS Data Refresh Summary

October 23, 2020

You can be confident that using Mercer’s 2020 US MBD/TRS data, published in August, reflects the go forward market. While we did ask employers for additional data, to see if there were additional pay actions as a result of the pandemic, we found that there was very little change. Here is the executive summary of the data refresh for both MBD and TRS within the United States.

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As remote work takes root, do tech workers face pay cuts? image

As remote work takes root, do tech workers face pay cuts?

October 05, 2020

Now that remote work has become commonplace, what will the impact be on pay? Tauseef Rahman, a Partner at Mercer, expects the impact to be less than you might expect.

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The confirmation you're looking for! image

The confirmation you're looking for!

September 08, 2020

Earlier this year, as the pandemic was unfolding, Mercer and other vendors were asking you to participate in salary surveys. We heard concerns that first quarter data was not going to be useful when planning for 2021. We sprang into action and launched a refresh in June. Read on to find out why you can confidently use Mercer’s 2020 survey data when planning for 2021.

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Most employers are staying the course image

Most employers are staying the course

May 27, 2020

Though the headlines would have you believe that employers are all reducing their workforce and cutting pay, according to Mercer’s May edition of the 2020 US Compensation Planning Pulse Survey, that doesn’t exactly seem to be the case.

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Why survey data (still) matters image

Why survey data (still) matters

April 10, 2020

Times of uncertainty naturally make us feel overwhelmed and anxious. It's tempting to spend time on other essential activities and choose not to participate in compensation and benefits surveys and maybe to even consider compensation surveys as a variable cost that you can reduce this year. Not now; you’re going to need this data.

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