The Mercer Hourly Pay Database gives you access to an entire library of jobs aggregated from across Mercer’s leading general and industry compensation surveys, providing you with hourly compensation data for over 4,000 positions! Unrivaled by other sources on the market, this database represents over 4,900 companies and almost 8.1 million incumbents from across industries, all neatly packaged into a proprietary online tool that allows you to customize searches and scenarios based on your needs. Featuring job family, job sub-family, and job description details, get easy access to important compensation elements.
The Year-Over-Year Trends Report is available for download in the Tool and provides insight into base salary and total cash compensation changes for same incumbents, same jobs at the same organizations, and overall samples.
Limited Time Offer: With your Hourly Pay Database purchase you will also receive the 2023 US Hourly Employees Policies and Practices Survey for free.