In today’s fast-moving world — where information can be obtained seemingly anywhere — it’s more important than ever to deliver trusted information, especially when it comes to assisting employees and clients with their retirement plans. Since Social Security is only about 40% of an average retiree’s income, it needs to be supplemented with employer-sponsored retirement programs, personal investments, and savings.
The easy-to-understand 2024 Guide to Social Security provides clear and accurate information on Social Security covering retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. Your employees and clients are paying into Social Security today and it will be a significant source of income for tomorrow. This guide will help them understand what to do and when to do it as they plan for their retirement.
HR and Benefits Teams: Use as a valuable employee relations tool
- Use these trusted resources in educational workshops and retirement kits.
- Give out practical Social Security explanations to plan a secure retirement.
- Explain the need to supplement Social Security with employer-provided investment and retirement plans.
- Remind employees that Social Security also provides benefits for their families.
- Receive appreciation from retirees by giving them updated information.
Insurance and Financial Organizations: Use as a valuable marketing tool
- Use in direct-mail campaigns to gain new clients or as a giveaway item at seminars, trade shows, or one-to-one meetings to show your investment options.
- Show the need to complement Social Security with your investment products and services.
- Keep in touch and cross-sell new products to your current clients when you mail them the Guide.
- Imprint your name on the cover as a reminder of your products and services.