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Wouldn’t it be great to have a talent pool that comes equipped not only with the skills you need, but the institutional knowledge as well? It is possible.
Whether people are leaving voluntarily, involuntarily, or retiring from your company, those former employees can, in many cases, be a great source of talent for you in the future. But, that means you have to leave a lasting impression with your departing employees that delivers on the promise of your employee value proposition. Regardless if the separation occurred through a reduction-in-force or is the employee’s choice, ensure the experience is handled with care in a fair, legal, and respectful manner. Protect your reputation, even in difficult times.
Mercer’s workforce movement, retirement, outplacement, and severance products are just what you need to ensure the final step in the employee lifecycle remains true to your value proposition while also caring for your company’s social brand.
Monitor employee movement trends in, out, and within companies around the world with data on turnover, workforce changes, hot skills and more.
Letting employees go is never an easy task and, of course, it’s very stressful for those impacted. Help your transitioning employees at all levels focus on the opportunities ahead with virtual, on-demand outplacement services and career coaching.
Learn how businesses construct and distribute severance pay to their outgoing employees with insights on global practices for termination and severance pay.
Give all declined job candidates access to resume and cover letter builders, skills assessments, interview practices, job matching tools, and more with this award-winning software. Leave a positive impression with every candidate.
Be proactive with your talent retention and workforce planning efforts and explore information regarding voluntary and involuntary turnover plus hiring rates.
Get the latest in outplacement offerings so that you can provide transitioning employees with the tools and support they need.
Not sure where to start or what you need? Please contact us to discuss any of the transition products available or to review exit surveys, custom services, and more to meet your unique employee departure needs.
Featuring templates, checklists, and products to help you battle turnover in your organization, see how the Talent All Access® Portal might be right for you.